Visual Basic

WavPlay - A wave file player that keeps a list of all of the wave files on your hard drive so you can get easy, fast access to any one of them.

Download 30.1 kb

Drive - They say that VB3 can't make good, fast video games. After playing this, you just might agree with them.

Download game 91.0 kb

Download source 83.7 kb

MakeHTML - This creates a HTML file that will allow all of your pictures to load up on one page. Whether it's pictures from your hard drive or a web page filled with links to individual pictures, you won't have to click on each of them one-by-one anymore to see them all. Put simply this program will make life easier visiting It also can search out "hidden" pics separated by numbers. For example,, etc.

Download 6.8 kb

Dumb Useless Game - A useless game for when your really bored.

Download 240 kb

Note-PadLock - Auto lock all you're notepad text files nice and conveniently.

Download 3.9 kb

TicTacToe - The most popular game ever with source included, free, no really!!.

Download game 302 kb

Download source 4.9 kb

Logo Changer - Automatically have your startup screens randomly changed everyday. Includes some startup screens

Download 84.2 kb

PicView - Little program that allows you to scroll through your bmp's and ico files quickly

Download 5.4 kb

Color HEX Value Generator - This Program will allow you to choose what color you want allowing you to see and copy the HEX value. Useful for paint programs or matching a color for web page design and more.

Download 4.2 kb

WebColor - So, you wish you could make your web pages with neat and colorful text like this. Well now you can with new text glo-kit. A proven way to make red and blue all the time!!! (Like anyone cares)

Download 8.7 kb

PowerBall Number Generator - Fairly self-explanatory.

Download 2.1 kb

WinSlip - Windows is Going Down!!! (Goof Program).

Download 32.8 kb

Install - The Mother of All Install's (Goof Program).

Download 17.2 kb

Kazaa Ad Killer - Hate those ads, so do I. So I tried to fix it.

Download 2.73 kb

SlowWin - Slows down your computer for many uses.

Download 3.56 kb

NameMaker - Having problems coming up with that far out freaky name for your latest sci-fi novel. Or maybe you just need a new name for your cat, but are too dumb to think of one on your own. Well, here comes the answer. NameMaker will generate a list random words as many times as you like till you see something that catches the eye. You may just find that name your were looking for to name the planet your alien T'quells are going to.

Download 2.53 kb

PWMaker - Creates passwords in the form CVCV CVCV#. Where C is for consonants and V is for Vowels Examples: MIXOCASO CUSOJENA96 Allows for easy to remember but harder to crack passwords.

Program derived from the Book 'The Art of Deception' by Kevin D. Mitnick

Download 2.41 kb

VBRUN300.DLL - Needed for all these Programs listed on this page to run. You may already have this file in your Windows/System/ folder. If not you can place it there or in the folder where the program is at. Please let me know if any error message popup saying that you need a file for the program to run. You can find all of these files on the internet, but I'll be able to add them here as well. Thanks

Download 389 kb

Well, I'm going to make another Artificial Intelligence program again. This will be able to access the Internet and learn. Eventually it will grow evil, (though I'm not exactly sure why) and become borg like. It will then begin to start assimilating former incompatible computers like apple and add their uniqueness to its own. Finally it will create nano probes and assimilate the humans race. Isn't it amazing what you can do with a computer nowadays :)

Thank you Bill Gates!

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This page was last updated on 9-06-09