Poetry. Every web page has poetry.

The Tree
The Tree
The Tree
Oh Shit, That Tree is
Attacking me!!!

The Woods
The Woods
The Woods
I'm Trying to get away from that
God Damn Tree!!!

The Field
Ahhh, The Field
I see No Tree Here
I Hate That Fucking Tree

Why Are You Still Reading This Poetry
God Damn it, Why?
Is it because of that Tree?

The Ocean
Trees can't swim

My Backyard
I see no Tree here

In the Living Room
on Tv
I see a Tree
It is not the Tree
that was Attacking me!!!

we have no tree

Arber Day
So it it can grow up
to Attack me!!!

Peotry on the Net
So many people write peotry on the net
Can't they see
nobody reads their peotry?
I just realized
I've misspelled poetry

Oh no Not the Tree Again
oh No 
This is not about the Tree Again

The Grass
The Grass
The grass is like little trees
I can step on them

My cat
My cat is furry
It scratches me
I rip its head off
it laughs at me
Yea, but I got your head
It laughs no more

My Dream
In my dream I ran from a tree
into the woods
through a field
across an ocean
into my backyard
in my living room
past my christmas presents
tripped on my cat
and fell into my room
I pull up the covers
and went to sleep

....and I saw a tree
